
Michael Hillegas DAR chapter begins new program year

Michael Hillegas Daughters of the American Revolution NSDAR gathered at Wesley Center for their September meeting. After all the upsets caused by the pandemic of last year, members were especially happy to gather together. It was wonderful to bond again with all of our DAR daughters and welcome guests.

Regent Kathy Morris presented awards that had been received for the past year. Plans were discussed for the upcoming Heritage Festival, upcoming programs, and new members were welcomed.

Chapter members each rang bells in honor of Constitution Week. Constitution Chairman Sharon Tanner reminded members that the Constitution is a living document that assures each citizen of the freedom Americans cherish and appreciate. As members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, it is our responsibility to keep our ancestors' legacies alive by promoting the ideals they fought valiantly to give their descendants.

Fittingly the program was presented by the Honorable Walden E. Morris. He reviewed the Constitution and explained items in a casual manner that members could understand.

The 13 servicemen and women we lost at Kabul were honored with a prayer by Chaplain Cheri McCluskey. Veterans Chairman Shelia Albright then honored them with a circle of 13 flags and a yellow candle in the center for those Americans not yet returned to the United States.

Awards were presented to members who had milestone anniversaries as members of DAR.