
Exclusive Sirens Sneak Peek: Why Is Johnny Interrogating Hank and Brian?

The EMTs on Sirens have to deal with life-or-death calls on the regular, but Johnny might face his most difficult case yet on Thursday's new episode (10/9c, USA).

In this exclusive sneak peek, Johnny (Michael Mosley) is peeved that someone at work took the last donut. And it's not just any donut - it's Johnny's favorite, Bavarian cream.

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However, his BFF and co-worker Hank (Kevin Daniels) only makes the situation worse by getting everyone to rank their top 3 favorite donuts of all time. So was Hank the thief? Or was it possibly Brian (Kevin Bigley)? Watch the exclusive video to find out:

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<li>Michael Mosley</li><li>Kevin Daniels</li><li>Kevin Bigley</li><li>Sirens</li>


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