
SIC graduates honored at commencement

Southeastern Illinois College held its 62nd-annual commencement ceremony May 9 in Joseph Deaton Gymnasium. The graduates accepted their certificates and diplomas to cheers and applause from attending family and friends.

SIC has a total of 234 graduates this year, though not all participated in the commencement ceremony. Additionally, there are many students who choose to transfer to a four-year institution without a conferred two-year degree.

SIC Graduate Abigail Rettinghaus of Carmi gives high fives as the graduates walk through the hallway after graduation to the applause of instructors, staff and board members. She earned her associate in arts with honors. SIC Public Information

SIC President Jonah Rice provided the welcome remarks and the Charge to the Graduates.

The 2024 Distinguished Alumna, Jennifer Nudo, chiropractor and certified functional medicine practitioner, was the keynote speaker.

Her advice to the graduates included, “No matter what career you chose or where you are in life, strive to learn something new every day ... Prioritize giving back ... our time, our skills, our knowledge to help those in need ... When we give of ourselves, we not only enrich the lives of others, but also our own.”

Jennifer Nudo, SIC 2024 Distinguished Alumna, gave the keynote address at SIC’s May 9 commencement ceremony. She owns a functional medicine practice in Nashville, Tenn. SIC Public Information

Nudo’s final life lesson was a quote from humanitarian Albert Schweitzer: “‘Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.’ I think about that quote every day, and it has not steered me wrong.” Karen Weiss, SIC vice president of academic affairs, presented the candidates for degrees. SIC Board of Trustees Chair Pat York conferred the degrees. Music for the first ceremony was provided by bagpiper Brendan Abernethy from Hopkinsville, Ky. A reception in the Harry L. Crisp Student Center followed the ceremony.

Theatre grads celebrate graduation with instructors. Pictured (front row, left to right) are Addison Bean of Ridgway, Neva Wasson, Ethan Bordoy and Madison Hall of Harrisburg, (back row) Joshua Kimball, Cory Garmane, Ryan Wilson of Harrisburg, Gareth York and Allan Kimball. SIC Public Information