
64-acre campgrounds being proposed west of Du Quoin

By every estimation a Lenzburg, Ill. man has an uphill battle in convincing the Perry County Zoning Commission to allow him to develop a 64-acre commercial campgrounds along Sacred Heart Cemetery Road west of Du Quoin.

Jack Grau of 213 Charles Street in Lenzburg was to meet with the Perry County Zoning Commission at 8 a.m. Wednesday at the government building south of Pinckneyville to test the waters.

Ahead of him to protest the idea is landowner Phillip Alvis of Du Quoin who said it would wreck the area for homeowners and outdoorsmen who own property in that area.

Among those property owners are several Du Quoin attorneys expected to line up in opposition.

The wording of the "Notice of Public Hearing" about today's hearing was to "Discuss development of a commercial campground and associated food and beverage service on a 64-acre site along Sacred Heart Cemetery Road in the "A" agricultural district."

The idea is only conceptual. The property is for sale, but Grau has not made an offer to purchase the property until he gauges whether the zoning commission would entertain his proposal.

Jeff Ashauer is zoning administrator and the board is composed of six members, Gary Reidelberger, Paul Pyatt, Martha Morgenstern, Jane Chapman, Michael Kelly, Robert Spencer and Marilyn Pick.

The property is located immediately south and west of the Sacred Heart Cemetery. There is a nearly mile-long ming strip cut that begins on the property and runs west until it reaches the road that leads to the Perry Ridge Landfill.

Alvis, who bought several thousands acres abandoned mine land back in the 1980s from Freeman United Coal Co. lives along that road. Surrounding acreage is owned by homeowners and hunters.

Those close to the commission admit its going to be a tough sell because of the guidelines, property maintenance, policing and alcohol related issues of a food and beverage concession building that comes with it.