
4C's director tells Eldorado Rotary: Center helps people throughout the region

ELDORADO - Homelessness may be considered a large-city issue, but the director of a homeless shelter in Harrisburg told members of Eldorado Rotary there are plenty of people in the region her center helps.

Mona Crim oversees the homeless shelter administered by the Christian Community Compassion Center, better known as "4C's", in Harrisburg. She recently was the guest of Rotary member and program sponsor Don Gossett.

Crim said the homeless shelter currently can accommodate 12 people, and 4C's hopes to expand to better serve families and more total people. About 700 people have been served by the homeless shelter in the past 10 years, she said.

While many people served are senior adults, about one-fourth of the shelter's population has been young people, she said.

Crim said one goal of the center is to help those served leave in better condition than they were when they arrived. Those who are unemployed are encouraged to find a job during their 30-day stay. Those who successfully find a job sometimes may stay longer. A security guard stays in one room at the center, and there are four total rooms. Currently, there is not really room for families, she said.

Families are referred to other shelters, such as Centerstone in Marion.

Providing a safe temporary place to stay isn't the only mission of 4C's. The center also has a food pantry that serves between 1,200 and 1,500 people each month.

Crim said in addition to providing food, there are many people who have mental health issues who come to 4C's for one service or another. While there isn't a nurse on site, they are able to refer them to resources like Egyptian Health Department.

The Helping Hands portion of the center helps an average of 45 families each month with medical needs, utilities and other resources. Helping Hands also refers people to additional organizations if needs are beyond the scope of the center.

In addition, the center provides a clothing closet at a local church.

Crim told Rotary members that the center depends entirely on private funding to run, which in 2017 was about $118,000 for all services, and donations are accepted. One convenient way to donate is through the center's website at where a "donate" button may be found. In addition, the center may be reached by phone at (618) 252-3931. Besides monetary donations, Crim said there is always a need for volunteers at the center.

Eldorado Rotary member Angela Wilson contributed to this report.

An informational pamphlet from 4C's. PHOTO COURTESY OF ELDORADO ROTARY