
Hunters: Follow the rules of the game or we all suffer from poor public opinion

As hunters we should be very aware of how we are perceived by the non-hunting public.

This new century is bringing new problems to hunters and hunting - and not all of it is coming from the government or privately funded anti-hunting groups.

Some of our problems are internal and self-inflicted. How we handle these problems will help dictate the future of hunting.

As a concerned and dedicated hunter I have to ask what are we doing - through similar ignorance - that could have a negative impact in decades to come? The answer is founded in ethics.

As we look back at the days of skull boats and punt guns we can see the problem of overharvest more clearly. Was it unethical for those hunters to overharvest? Maybe not at the time. But now we must examine those "innocent" mistakes and learn from them.

Internally, the hunting community's biggest problem is a lack of ethics within our own ranks. Poaching has become a widespread epidemic in our country. Many believe that poaching is merely harvesting wildlife outside the regular season, but poaching is much more.

The hunters who participate in these activities give us all bad reputations.

I do not "bad mouth" anti-hunting groups. I feel sorry for these folks because their opinions are based on emotion, and not education.

Instead, today I am speaking to my own peer group. Nothing aggravates me more than to see one of us doing something stupid, or unethical. When I see a deer hung over the hood of a vehicle, I cringe. There is nothing more potent for an anti-hunter than to see "Bambi" stretched out dead, going down Main Street.

Likewise, the "meat pole" has taken on new significance. In the past a heavy-laden meat pole was the sure sign of a successful deer camp - the culmination of weeks of scouting and preparation.

The anti's see the "meat pole" as the "slaughter pole". We view a full meat pole with the pride and gratification of having harvested an elusive quarry. They see the needless killing of harmless animals.

We cannot change their mindset; therefore what are we to do?

The answer is this: We must be mindful of our ethical obligation to the rest of the general public. Public opinion, right or wrong, influences what happens to our sport. We must be aware of how we present ourselves both in the field and in the community. We cannot falter and let them win.</group><group id="F9881F73-175B-4C71-A7E5-61DE5277A2CE" type="seoLabels"><seoLabels></seoLabels></group><