
Rev. Otten: Character matters, whatever path you walk in life

Greetings from Faith Lutheran Church in Eldorado.

Webster Dictionary defines character as "moral excellence and firmness - a man of sound character."

In many areas of our society, the idea of moral excellence and firmness is not considered a needed trait. But we are very concerned about competency. "Get the job done, and get it done right. What you do on your own time is of no concern."

Does a welder really need to have a moral life? Many may say, "No, he is only welding." Many would say, "As long as his personal life does not interfere with his welding, why should we care?"

Should an employer counsel him if he is getting drunk each night? Why should we care about this guy anyway? He is only a welder. He is not a banker. He is not a lawyer. He is just a welder.

Is this the way we are to look at people? Do we think blue-collar workers don't need a quality character? Yet doesn't moral excellence mean honesty and trustworthiness? That would seem to be a trait you would want, even in a welder. Yet if we don't care if he cheats on his wife, are we saying we don't care if he lacks the traits of honesty and trustworthiness?

If we accept the idea that good character is not needed for manual labor or menial jobs, then we reduce a person to a single act. We have removed his humanity; he has become a machine. And machines don't need moral qualities.

There is also the concern of the nature of the business. Can one's business have a high moral excellence if your employees don't have it? This would suggest there is only a facade of character.

The military understands that there is a need for moral excellence. All service members are more than the jobs they do. They represent more than themselves. They represent their service branch; they represent America.

If we are defined only by competency, we reduce ourselves to machinery. We deny being a creature of the creator, who created us to be more than just a functioning machine.

He created us to reflect Himself, for we are made in His image.

His image is righteousness. Regardless if one is a banker, a clergy or a welder, God does not regard us just as machines. He sent His Son to redeem us, to restore righteousness within us.

We have character; a machine does not. We are more than a single act, even if it is repeated. We represent more than our self. We are humanity, and character matters!