
Home Help: Upgrade your curb appeal


Summer is a great time to complete your home improvement projects, but deciding which ones to tackle can be overwhelming. Here are a few simple curb appeal projects you can tackle this summer to welcome your family and friends into your home with style.

Start fresh with a new front door. For a dramatic refresh replace your front door. From single doors, to double-door options, to those accented with decorative glass or sidelights, it's easy to find a door that fits your budget and your style.

Pick a standout color for your front door. Nothing adds to your curb appeal like bold, vibrant color. Pick a front door color that shows your personality and makes your home different from your neighbors. From red to blue and green to orange, color can instantly refresh the front of your home.

Update your hardware. Refresh your existing front door with new hardware. New hardware can be a quick update and add beauty to the entrance to your home's exterior design. Hardware is available in a variety of finishes including satin nickels as well as unique designs including modern and traditional.

Replace broken or damaged items. Replace broken light fixtures, burned out bulbs, and worn out weather-stripping on exterior doors. Pitch that faded wreath, worn out mat, and dead plants, and instead, add a bright new welcome mat and eye-catching seasonal decorations.

Lay a new path. From the moment your guest step off the sidewalk, the path to your front door showcases your home. Flagstone, gravel, or pavers - any of these materials can be used to create a new, inviting walkway in a weekend or less.

Illuminate your walkway. Make it easy for others to see the way to your front door at night. Transform and illuminate walkways with easy-to-install solar lights. Stake them in the ground positioned so solar cells get enough southern exposure for sunlight to recharge nightlights during the day.

Trim bushes, create great container gardens. Landscaping should accent your home, not dominate it. Keep bushes below the bottom sill of your windows to improve your view. Trim or replace overgrown shrubs and trees. Keep plant material trimmed several feet away from your home to minimize damage from wind or insects. Fill decorative containers with plants that accent your home's color scheme, front door, and landscape design.

— Brandpoint


Create a "herd mentality" for your home

Other than upgrades and curb appeal, the pricing of your home could be the most important aspect of selling your home. Once you and your real estate agent (if you have one) have determined the value of your home based on the amenities and comparables of similar properties sold in your neighborhood, creating interest from multiple buyers is ideal. Using the price range you've established, price your house on the lower end of the value range to create a "herd mentality." With the lower range price, you will have more interest from more potential buyers. Given the high stakes of real estate, most buyers don't want to be the only one interested in a house. The "herd mentality" also gives you the option to sell quickly if needed.

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Picking the right chandelier

A chandelier can make any room feel luxurious, but knowing how to pick the right chandelier for your home can be tricky. According to design experts, a general rule of thumb for picking a chandelier is to take the width of the room where it will be placed in feet, then double the number, convert that number to inches to get a minimum dimension for the diameter of your chandelier. Although the minimum measurement will help you make sure you don't have too small of a chandelier, a slightly-oversized chandelier will give the room a grander feel. Also make sure that your chandelier doesn't hang too low.

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Fertilize your garden with milk

The benefits of milk to the human body have long been known, but we aren't the only living organisms that can benefit from the calcium and other nutrients from milk. Like us, plants use calcium for growth, but milk can also help alleviate viruses and fungus from your garden. Using fresh, evaporated, powdered (diluted with water) or expired milk, you can spray the leaves of your plants or you can add the milk directly to the soil to keep your plants healthy and improve crop yields. Although milk is a great fertilizer, using too much can result is a foul odor and poor growth.

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