
Get A Life: Getting a grip on anger

I often wonder why anger has become so much a part of the American culture. It feels like a lot of individuals use it as a way to deal with all kinds of situations rather than rational dialogue and patience. I feel that the amount of stress that most people are under today is causing them to over-react to even the most mundane situations. I've watched people pawing the earth like Bisons while waiting their turn in a supermarket line. Why is it they don't realize that if you're going to a store you're more than likely going to have to stand in line? Of course, you could opt to sleep in the parking lot so that you're the first inside when they open up.

One of my favorite anger stories and how it was handled had to do with flight delays that resulted from some bad weather in Chicago. There was a long line of people waiting to be rebooked, and the gate agent was doing her best to attend to everyone's needs. Most of the customers were patiently waiting their turn. But, there's always a few who believe their destiny is to be "the center of the universe."

A gentleman, and I use the term loosely, pushed his way to the front of the line and stated that he had an important meeting to attend. The agent politely explained that he had to wait his turn, that there were a lot of people in front of him. He kept insisting and then finally asked, in a very pompous tone of voice, "do you know who I am?"

The agent grabbed her microphone and announced to the crowd: "Attention! Attention! Does anyone here know who this man is? He seems to have lost his identity!" The man turned angrily away and the whole crowd burst into applause.

Now, of course, we realize that this sort of sarcasm could put the airline out of business fast, but the applause from the crowd proves that people are excited when arrogance is not rewarded.

And isn't that what a lot of anger is about? Arrogance, self entitlement, a low threshold of frustration? After all, shouldn't our demands be attended to immediately? Really?

There are times when anger, used appropriately, can be useful. But we have come to a place where becoming irritated, annoyed or impatient are becoming more and more the norm. Take a step back and really do some critical thinking. No matter how big a rush you're in, no matter how long you've waited in traffic, cursing at people or banging your fist on the dashboard, solves nothing. Try to become your own therapist and ask yourself an important question "How serious is this?" Believe me, this situation will pale in comparison to what might lie ahead.

— Author, humorist, PBS star and Fortune 500 trainer Loretta LaRoche lives in Plymouth, Massachusetts. To share your pet peeves, questions or comments, write to The Humor Potential, 50 Court St., Plymouth, MA 02360. Visit her website at