
Kent Bush: Republicans still violating the law of unintended consequences

Here we go again.

If you are a Republican, you can't be thrilled with the results of the past two Presidential elections. A black man whose middle name is Hussein was able to take your best shot against all odds and come out smiling twice.

Now Republicans are following the same silly path as though they are hell-bent to elect another Democrat that should have very little chance at the White House.

Hillary Clinton is winning the Democratic nomination primarily because everyone knew she was going to win the nomination and the only candidate of any caliber that ran against her was an old socialist dude who looks like Larry David. Sure, the Saturday Night Live skits are funny, but there is no way Bernie Sanders could really beat Clinton.

However, from her husband's scandals when she was in the White House before, to Benghazi, to unsecured private email servers to who knows what else, the Republicans should have had no problems finding someone to win this election in a landslide.

Instead, the party is literally imploding, and like a cockroach surviving a nuclear blast, Donald Trump looks like the last man standing in a devastated wasteland where a Grand Old Party used to stand.

Now Trump calls for violence at his rallies, refuses to go to debates and celebrates his campaign manager roughing up a reporter from a supportive publication and there is nothing the party can do about it.

But what do you expect?

There is only so much success you can expect when the only plan you have is not to let anyone else's plan work. Obstructionism isn't inspiring and while a subset within the party enjoys the rhetoric and repugnancy, most people from the other side of the political spectrum and those in the middle aren't as impressed.

But the Republicans in the Senate are sticking to their guns and refusing to even consider President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee. They say they want the people to have a say. But in the past 140 years, no nominee has ever failed to face a hearing and a vote. Some votes have failed, but no Senate has ever failed in its duty to advise and consider giving consent to a nominee. This year the Senate isn't bending. Trump says he thinks the Senate should wait because he thinks he will be the one who gets to appoint the next Justice.

Some people think that is a great idea. If you agree, you are one of a small group of conservatives. When you listen to your talk radio shows and watch FOX News, the echo chamber tells you that your insulated opinion is shared by a majority of Americans.

Guess what, Obama wasn't an accident. The majority of American voters are tired of this show and that's a great way to give another Clinton a chance to work in the Oval Office.

Trump is going to win the nomination but then what happens? I can't imagine many true conservatives supporting him. I know some Democrats and Independents say they will support him. But anecdotes aren't evidence.

There were black people who supported slavery, teachers who don't think you should spend more on education and minorities who support Trump. They are all small minorities who get attention because they are the unicorns of the political world. A dog biting a man isn't news, but a man who'll bite a dog is. There are always a few good contrarian "dog bites man" stories out there waiting to be told.

Conservative commentators like Bill Kristol - the one from the Weekly Standard, not When Harry Met Sally and City Slickers - are still trying to console the GOP establishment that this anti-establishment, semi-racist, pseudo-fascist movement won't actually lead to Trump becoming their nominee.

But at a point in the very near future if math and political polls continue to collide, Republicans are going to be forced to get on the Trump train or find another bandwagon on which to hitch a ride.

That has to be good news for Clinton.

It seems like Republicans are a party made up of people who often vote against their own self-interests. Failing to confirm Obama's moderate judge for the Supreme Court and nominating Trump as the Republican candidate combine into a perfect storm that may allow a newly elected Hillary Clinton to fill the vacancy. Once again, it appear the Republicans are working hard to violate the law of unintended consequences.

It isn't too late. But the clock is ticking.