
Arthur I. Cyr: New Hampshire retains distinctive role

The New Hampshire primary election, coming right after the Iowa caucuses, has provided some clarification to the 2016 presidential contest. On the Republican side, Donald Trump has fresh momentum, after coming in second in Iowa. For Democrats, Sen. Bernie Sanders is confirmed as a strong challenger to Hillary Clinton.

The tight battle for second place among the Republicans means that no principal challenger as main opponent to Trump has emerged. Jeb Bush remains a contender for now, thanks to the voters of New Hampshire. Dr. Ben Carson, business veteran Carly Fiorina and Gov. Chris Christie appear to be eliminated from contention.

Instant analysis by the pervasive electronic media has seized the theme that second-place Republican John Kasich lacks substantial local organization in the upcoming primary states. Regard that pop pronouncement with skepticism.

Trump has become a frontrunner with little in the way of disciplined in-depth local organization. Rather, he confirms just how powerful the media have become in propelling a candidate. More important, dedicated support for Trump demonstrates just how broad and deep is public alienation from and hostility to Washington.

Remember also that the presidential race is still in early stages of actual voting. In 2008, Sen. Hillary Clinton won New Hampshire, only to lose the nomination to Sen. Barack Obama.

In 2000, Sen. John McCain decisively defeated George W. Bush in New Hampshire by 48.5 percent to 30 percent. Bush recovered to win the South Carolina primary in an ugly campaign, and went on the take the Republican nomination.

In 1992, Bill Clinton was able to capitalize on a second-place finish in New Hampshire to become the "Comeback Kid," win in the primary sweepstakes which followed, capture the Democratic nomination and defeat incumbent President George H.W. Bush. In a similar manner, the state was extremely important in boosting the candidacies of relative unknowns Sen. George McGovern and Gov. Jimmy Carter in 1972 and 1976.

Since 1920, New Hampshire has held the first primary in each presidential election cycle. In historical context, the state's vote at times has been profoundly important.

In 1952, the first year in which candidates' names were listed on the ballot, General Dwight Eisenhower received an enormous boost for the Republican nomination by winning the primary. Republican political and business leaders who strongly supported his candidacy were concentrated in the Northeast.

Ohio Sen. Robert Taft - "Mr. Republican" - had a far greater claim on the nomination, through party service and leadership. Eisenhower's victory established crucial momentum.

In 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson's relatively poor showing against insurgent Democratic Sen. Eugene McCarthy in the New Hampshire primary was followed by his decision to withdraw from seeking renomination. McCarthy's anti-Vietnam War campaign was given a significant boost by the enormous Tet Offensive launched by the Viet Cong just before the voting. Johnson actually won the primary, but McCarthy's relatively strong showing, combined with the certainty of losing the upcoming Wisconsin primary, led to LBJ's decision.

While Senators McCarthy and Robert Kennedy went on to fight for Democratic convention delegates in the relatively few primaries, Vice President Hubert Humphrey collected enough support to secure the nomination while avoiding directly contesting these elections. Following Kennedy's assassination and the violent Democratic convention in Chicago, pressures greatly escalated to expand the number of primaries.

New Hampshire this year has confirmed two insurgent candidates. Donald Trump is not fading. Bernie Sanders remains a challenger to the still durable Clinton political dynasty.

Arthur I. Cyr is Clausen Distinguished Professor at Carthage College and author of "After the Cold War" (NYU Press/Palgrave Macmillan). Contact him at