
Theater opens its doors.

Movie magic returned to Saline County in a mighty way as officials came together for the ribbon cutting of Harrisburg's new theater.

Showplace Cinemas, a movie theater company out of Evansville, Ind., opened its doors on Thursday to leaders in Harrisburg, Carrier Mills, Galatia and Eldorado for a celebration of Saline County's newest attraction.

"We are so thankful that this opportunity has become a reality," Mayor Dale Fowler said. "Not only do we have a new theater, but we have created 20 new jobs for our area with more to come."

Those in attending the ribbon cutting ceremony received complimentary food and drinks, as well as a choice of two different movies to enjoy, "Creed" or "Sisters."

Before the movies started, people gathered for a reception in the lobby to ask questions about the business, play arcade games, eat, drink and be merry. Many expressed joy for the new venture.

As each person took their respective seat in the movie of their choice, owners introduced John Scott III, writer of the screenplay for "Maggie." The screenwriter, who calls his hometown Carrier Mills, received an invitation to share autographs and photos with moviegoers over the weekend. His film is stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as a small-town farmer who stops at nothing to save the life of his daughter - played by Abigail Breslin - after a virus infects her and transforms her into a zombie.

The film plays at Showcase Cinemas through Thursday.

For the opening weekend, only four of the eight theaters were open with two more opening each week as workers finish construction.