
Homemakers to host chicken and dumplings dinner Sunday

The March meeting of Country Friends Homemakers focused on the upcoming chicken and dumplings dinner and annual meeting.

Roll call revealed favorite fishing spots as several members listed childhood memories of family farms and creeks along the Ohio River. Members who hated fishing mentioned local restaurants known for great fish on Fridays.

Colleen Alvey discussed upcoming HEA events to remember. Homemakers favorite chicken and dumplings dinner will be served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, March 26, at the Pruett Building. Cost is $8 for adults and $4 for children 4-12. Carry-outs are available. Baked items will also be available to purchase.

A thank-you message was received from Renee Williams for the donation of Coke points that supports the PE program at the elementary schools. Country Friends will still continue to collect Coke tabs for Ronald McDonald House.

The 99th annual meeting of the Saline County Homemakers will be Thursday, April 27 at First Christian Church in Harrisburg. The theme will be "Flash Back to the 50s." Members are asked to dress in outfits from the 50s.

Sharon Tanner shared some information on "Read those Food Labels." It is very important to read labels not only for nutritional information, but also to check the fine print and find out where the food was raised and processed. Much of the food that Americans buy come from foreign sources or is processed overseas, where regulations are not as strict as in the U.S.

Next month's lesson will be at 1:30 p.m. April 18 at the University of Illinois Extension office. The program will be "Making your Dollars Stretch." The public is invited.

Hostesses Colleen Alvey and Darlene Stafford served refreshments to the following: Sharon Hancock, Billie Womack, Carletta Hanks, Georgia Murphy, Bonnie Absher, Tracy Murphy and Sharon Tanner.

The April 4 meeting will be at the home of Holly Stokich, beginning at 6 p.m.