
Religion column: The story of how Jesus overcomes Satan

Greetings from Faith Lutheran in Eldorado.

Matthew 4:1-11 records Christ overcoming the temptations of Satan. Jesus, after his baptism, is led by the Spirit into the wilderness to do God's will and engage in battle against Satan. This parallels the Israelites going though the waters of the Red Sea (their baptism) and into the wilderness for 40 years.

When the Israelites were in the wilderness, they were tested and failed many times. If it were not for God's mercy and grace, they would have all died there. Jesus, on the other hand, goes into the wilderness and is victorious. In a way, Jesus is challenging Satan to pick on someone his own size.

The temptations mirrored the testing the Israelites endured. Jesus is first tempted to make bread, and eat, to prove He is the Son of God. Satan wants Jesus to use His power to serve himself, not God. In Exodus 16, the Israelites grumble because of their hunger. Jesus grumbles not, for He has heard His Father's word that proclaims Him as His beloved Son. He clings to this word and rejects Satan's temptation. He quotes: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." (Deu 8:3)

The second temptation deals with trusting God. The Israelites were thirsty (Exo 17) and did not trust that the Lord would supply them with water. Jesus is tempted by Satan to jump off the temple to prove His trust in God. Jesus knows that God has cared for Him the whole time He has been in the wilderness. He does not need to test God. Jesus fires back with scripture: "You shall not put the Lord your God to the test." (Deu 6:16)

The final temptation is a temptation of blatant idolatry. Satan shows Him all the kingdoms of the earth and that he will give them to Him if he bows down and worships him. The Israelites fail their test when they make a golden calf and worship it. Jesus knows His loving, heavenly Father and will not deny Him. Jesus orders Satan to depart, again speaking scripture: "You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve."<em> (</em>Deu 6:13)

Jesus overcomes not just the temptation, but Satan himself. He is the champion, and Satan is the loser.

We are sinners, and we are tempted by our flesh, the world and Satan. By ourselves, we can't defeat Satan. Daily, we stand in need of God's help and redemption. Jesus is victorious over Satan and fights for us. He also gives us an example on how to contend with Satan, and that is through the word of God. With every temptation, Jesus counters with the word of God. The reformer, Martin Luther, believed that as a Christian stays in the word, undergoes baptism and receives the Lord in the Lord's Supper, Satan can't stand. He flees Christ who defeated him not only in the wilderness, but at the cross.

Lenten blessings, Pastor Otten.
